“Worm Gruntin’ Festival: A One-of-a-Kind Event in Beautiful Northwest Florida”
ResortsandLodges.com, a major travel magazine that reaches 2.5 million readers, has published an article about the 2016 Sopchoppy Worm Gruntin’ Festival. The article contains a brief history of Sopchoppy, an interview with SPIA’s Bill Lowrie, and a recommendation to visit the area and the festival on April 9, 2016:
“Worm Gruntin’ is the practice of putting a post of hardwood into the ground and hitting it with a heavy piece of iron to create vibrations in the ground that drive worms to the surface. Sopchoppy takes Worm Gruntin’ seriously and each year they host the can’t-miss, Worm Gruntin’ Festival.” – Thomas Schultz, ResortsandLodges.com – Read the full article+